
Showing posts from April, 2020

How to obtain better understanding of finance

I believe that to understand finance and to be a proper finance manager, you have to understand economics. You can't decide what to invest in without being able to predict what will improve and why. Yes, you can use some financial indicators of candle sticks charts, but that won't be sufficient without proper knowledge about economics. To be more comfortable and confident in discussing personal finance you have to read a lot about other people's experiences, both rich and broke people as each category will teach you something. How not to lose money and how to gain more money. You need to pay attention to people when they talk about their finances and self discuss if what they are doing is right or not, make assumptions and predictions and wait to see how it works out. You must keep your ears open for any hints and tips from people, especially old people as they have a lot of experience. Keeping up with financial and economic news is very vital. In the beginning you will ...


What is procrastination? Description Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences. Procrastination is the same as addiction, it offers temporarily relief and excitement from boring reality. It makes you fool yourself into thinking that a useless task might be more beneficial that an important one (e.g spending unnecessary time preparing your desk instead of actually studying). You start devising weird excuses such as you will forget the material anyway or the problem is with the material not you. We're taking a new insight into procrastination which relates it to pain. How?  First, you look at a certain task and you feel unhappy, your brain's pain centers light up. Second, you shift your attention to a more pleasing activity.  Third, this causes you to fe...


What is a chunk?  Chunk is giving meaning or logic to things you learn. For example, a child sees their  mother pointing at herself and say mama and smile. As a start , the child knows a small fact that mama is a nice word and makes that person smile, and another small fact that person points at herself because she is mama. So, the child combines the 2 small chunks or facts into one big chunk which is that person is mama. It's basically like putting small lessons you learn into one big chapter to a have full understanding of a certain topic. Or it can be the logic of actions, i.e online gaming. You learn the logic of the game on how to play, how to level and how to move and combine all that chunk into the game logic on how to play it. You start doing these actions easily with no poring over small details How to form a chunk? First, Focus, you need to have your undivided attention on the task you're working to on in order to create a chunk. You can't focus if you...

Corona: Now and the Future

Hello, I  started this as the learning portfolio for my "Finance for Everyone" course. I will talk about the material related to my first week in the course first, then I will add extra comments and thoughts about COVID 19 and how it will affect the economy. Who is currently benefiting from COVID19?  Pharmaceutical and medical companies are obvious winners, but we have to pore over a little bit and see who else might be benefiting. Online stores (E-Commerce): With everything being done digitally now, people ordering online and executing all their shopping and daily routine online. Websites such as Amazon are benefiting from the current circumstances Telecom companies and ISP providers: People are at home 24/7, extra data buckets and increased speed is a probable assumption. Video streaming services: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon prime and all these services are benefiting from the quarantine. Food processing industry and Food industry in general: I believe that there w...